About Us

Welcome to Dundas Area Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

Dundas Area Neighbourhood Centre (DANC) is a non-profit community organisation based in the Dundas Community Centre, which is located in Telopea. This facility is owned by City of Parramatta Council and DANC leases the building. 

DANC’s core funding is provided by NSW Department of Communities and Justice under their Targeted Early Intervention (TEI) Program. This program allows us to focus on activities for children, young people and their carers. But we offer a range of programs for everyone. We offer our programs, activities and support to residents of Telopea, Rydalmere, Ermington, Melrose Park, Dundas and Dundas Valley. 

In addition to paid staff, the centre has many volunteers in a variety of roles, including a volunteer Board which manages the organisation. 

For enquiries please call 9684 4250, please leave a message as all staff are part time and may not be able to attend to your call immediately. If it is an emergency please dial 000.